Saturday, November 1, 2008


Click on the blog title and you will go directly to the Winners of the Annual Show for Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society. Pay particular attention to the one called "Simple". Can you find 2 shoes and a pair of glasses?

Today was the first real rain of the winter season for the SF Bay Area. Naturally, I had to go running around in the mess. Fortunately, it wasn't really raining when I arrived in San Francisco to pick up my 2 very large paintings at the CWA Signature Member show at the Academy of Art Gallery. Then I was off to Gallery Concord because it was my turn to sit. I had Googled myself a few directions to figure out how to get onto the Bay Bridge from the AAU Gallery. A little tricky but no mishaps and I was a half hour early at the Gallery Concord.

Usually on rainy days we have little or no traffic at the Gallery but today we had a few brave souls come in. I spent most of my time drawing various shape versions of the Frenchman using tracing paper. I kept trying to simplify and find the right lines to make the statement I wanted to express about his face. Now I have lots of choices to play around with when I concentrate on the other elements. I like to draw on tracing paper or other sketch paper and then glue the results that are useful to me into a "good" sketch book. This practice takes away the fear factor of messing up. Here is the slide show of my efforts today.

Tomorrow I shall create a painting or two with my new drawings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Myrna, The paintings were fun to look at and an interesting variety of pieces. I enjoyed all of your drawings. I'm glad you post them. I find the drawings to be an interesting part of the process.

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