So many artists of my generation are not embracing the new technology at their fingertips With all the incredible digital programs available for phones and tablets from altering photos to drawing and painting digitally, it is a treasure chest of new ideas and ways of creating from combining traditional methods with digital to working completely digitally. Staying current with technology is fabulous for keeping one's mind and spirit young and functioning optimally. Although I prefer actually manipulating art materials, it has been so much fun learning how to manipulate digital art as well. Especially at night while I am relaxing in a chair or waiting in the airport, doctor's office and other sit around and wait times. It has become my new "sketch book" an artist is encouraged to have with them at all times.
I have learned how to work with these programs on my own with out any instruction. That is, until a few weekends ago when I had the wonderful opportunity to take a 2 day seminar on various digital programs as well as information on printing, marketing and everything digital. mDAC sponsored the weekend program and it was fabulous. I loved meeting others who are really embracing this brave new world and learning how to go deeper into these programs. Here are some of the new digital images I created at the seminar and since. My goal is to do a digital drawing or painting everynight while I veg out in my comfy arm chair.
We started the portrait party by Julia Kay, by drawing with our nose!!! It was a great ice breaker. One can't help but laugh after realizing she wasn't kidding.
Vector brush i Sketch Club app |
Vector Brush in Sketch Club app |
Next we played with the app Sketch Club and used the vector brush. This creates shapes. Challenges but quite fun to play with. I need to go back and explore this app much more!
here is a portrait another artist did of me and shared using the vector brush.
We didn't have a lot of time for our portrait party but here is another brush we played with Sketch Club. It is procedural Dots
text brush from Sketch Club worked over photograph that has been modified in iColorama.
I hope these examples tempt you to explore digital painting for yourself. Please share your images! |