Tuesday, January 15, 2019



I remembered that I had done this pastel a long time ago when Robert Mueller was the FBI Director but not very recognizable by most people, myself included.  I just saw this image and loved the interesting face and intricate finger pattern.  When someone told me who it was, I put it away because I wasn't interested in doing known people.  It has been buried in my stash of paintings.  I finally reorganized that storage area and unearthed the painting.   I wonder what he is thinking?


Unknown said...

What a wonderful depiction of an earlier Robert Mueller, Myrna. To
me he is recognizable immediately as a younger face who's image i see
online almost every day. Thank you for it and for reminding me that
digging through old, stored materials can uncover a jewel.

Clipping Path said...

Lovely blog. Thanks for sharing with us.

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