
Thursday, April 29, 2010


Sorry, Gordon, too late.  I already painted over the drawing.  I took this painting to critique this morning and they declared it "finished".  I was thinking of working on the hands a little more but everyone thought  it was okay having a difference of opacity from the face and the hands and arms.  I had hoped to keep the face a little more transparent but things got too dark too fast, so I added white to the colors and that adds opacity.   Now all I have to do is fill out for forms for "Strokes of Genius 3" and submit it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I did the tissue paper layer Monday and didn't get around to drawing on the image until today.  My great plans for painting yesterday got waylaid but I did get caught up in my office to a reasonable degree.  Of course, the rest of the house is tragic!  Too we draw and paint!!  I am going back into the studio and paint this in a few minutes.  I thought I would post the stages since I am documenting them.

Along the way in sticking to this general idea for a series, I am learning lots of little helpful techniques and adding to my art knowledge bits and pieces at a time.  I love that I make these small discoveries.  Everyday there is something new which keeps life fresh and exciting.  I can't imagine doing the exact same, safe thing over and over.  I am fortunate that I don't have to in order to survive.  If you have a choice, I hope you don't settle for "safe".

Monday, April 26, 2010


In the middle of trying to unpack from my Oregon trip, deal with end of the month matters, doctors' appointments and all the other "stuff" that gets in the way of what I really want to do (paint) I started my next 30" x 30" painting in the self portrait, quilt collage series.  I figured that the necessary things of life will get done somehow and if I waited until I had free time, I would never have time to paint. The deadline to enter the next "Stroke of Genius" book is the last day of the month.  I thought this might qualify, so I am madly trying to finish the painting, photograph it and submit the results!  This is the first step, collaging all the squares onto the paper.  I then collaged tissue paper torn in strips over all the drawings (haven't photographed that yet)  Tomorrow I will draw a full size self portrait in ink on top and then add paint.  All these drawings were done on assorted yellow page ads.  I really like the maps and venue seating plans.  I have enough old phone books, I could probably do a background with just that imagery. This painting will be more subtle than the last one as the background material is muted in tone.  I have a general idea in my mind how the layered elements of these collaged pieces will look when finished but it is impossible to know exactly what will happen......and that is where a lot of the fun is.  It's always a revelation.  Each time I do one of these paintings, it generates more ideas for the next one. Right now I have about 5 ideas percolating in the back of my mind.  I keep a notebook to write things down as these thoughts are often fleeting.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Here is the result of 3 days of hard work by the wonderful group in Portland! Move the computer mouse over the image to see the artist's name. If I have misspelled anyone's name, let me know and I can change it on the slide show very easily. You can also stop the slide show to study any of the paintings by clicking on the middle circle on the lower left of the slide show that has the two parallel lines. We had a lot of fun and I am excited to be asked to return in January to present the "Variations" workshop. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I had a few days at home and then I was off to Portland, Oregon last Monday to do a three day workshop for OSA.  I was able to spend Monday and Tuesday with my long time friend before the class began.  She took me to Powell's Bookstore...I think I could live there!  If you are ever in Portland, Powell's is a MUST!  I controlled myself and only purchased 3 books. (mostly because I had to carry them all afternoon)  They have the used books and the new books all on the same shelves.  Rows and Rows and Rows of books on art.  Rooms and rooms and rooms of books on every subject in the world.   We walked around the Pearl District looking for galleries.  Many had closed but we saw lots of interesting art.   Portland was looking especially lush this week with all the flowering trees in bloom.  Lots of forested areas in and around the city.

The workshop was wonderful.  Everyone worked hard and there was a wide range of experience in the group.  I will post a slide show tomorrow after I get all the photos labeled and adjusted.  In the meantime you can pop over to Carrie Holst' blog and get her perspective on the class.  This is my demo piece.  Good old Morris is painted one more time.  I just love his face, hat and beard.  I showed texturing gesso with stamps.  You can see the effect in the detail photo.  This painting came together very, very quickly. Sometimes the gods are with us!

Monday, April 19, 2010


After a few days of recovering from my week at Kanuga, I am off again to Portland for the week.  I am giving a 3 day workshop for the Oregon Art Society on Wednesday through Friday.  It's filled!!  I finally have a slide show of the beautiful grounds of Kanuga in the gorgeous North Carolina mountains.  Tomorrow I will try to make a slide show of the art work created in Mary Alice Braukman's workshop.  Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I rephotographed the finished painting and this is as good an adjustment as I can get.  It actually is a much more muted painting.  It was lots of fun to create.  Today I managed to insert the box into the gallery frame canvas.  For a first try it came out very well.  I LOVE this technique.  Can't wait to go home and try it again.  I have a few more things to do to it before I photograph it.  I am thinking I will make a little video showing the process.  Stay tuned!

Tonight we had a chance to go around to all of the different classrooms (they are spread out all over the place so lots of walking)  and see what everyone is working on.  What fun!!!!  I know a few new people I want to take a workshop from...PLUS...I saw a fabulous way to distort and drawing.  Cant wait to try it!  All in all, a very exciting day.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This is the painting that I started on illustration board.  After applying all sorts of mediums and grounds,  letting it dry, I added color.  Photographing the painting in full sun was a mistake.  I cannot color correct the photograph to come very close to what it actually looks like.  I added collage elements after this step and photographed it but I will show that tomorrow after I retake the photograph in better lighting conditions.

Tonight there were 5 demonstrations going at the same time!  I was able to see how Sue Tregay puts together her fabulous new series of "free range children".  She has a layered process using exciting color and engaging drawing for a very entertaining result.  You can find a link to her blog on the side of mine. Check it out! 

Mike Bailey also did a very engaging demo.  Besides being a consumate painter and educator, he is very entertaining!  Mike is giving a workshop here this week at Kanuga.  

I was also able to watch Carrie Burns Brown share some collage ideas.  I love her video and it was wonderful to get to meet her in person.

Tomorrow I am going to learn how to make an insert into a stretched gallery canvas !!! Exciting times.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I'm spending the week in Hendersonville, North Carolina at the fabulous art retreat called Kanuga.  The grounds are fabulous, woodsy yet elegant.  There are eleven different workshops taking place at the same time.  All the instructors are significant names in the watercolor world.  I am taking Mary Alice Braukman's texture and mixed media workshop.  Here are a few photo's from the first day....look at all the STUFF!  We painted tissue this morning along with some other interesting processes.  The information came fast and furious and the day zipped by!    I took some photos early this morning of the grounds.  I will try to find a few minutes and make a slide show in the next couple of days.  They are keeping us pretty busy here at "art camp".  No internet connection except in the lobby.  I will attempt to share each day with all of you.

The Kanuga workshop week is already planned for next year.  Check out their website if you are interested.  It is a special experience to be in this kind of setting, sharing art energy with over 250 people!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This was as far as I was able to complete the painting for the demo last night.  I think the stress of being videoed and having less than an hour to work, got to me.  I was able to share some new materials and some different ways of working on the Tyvek paper, but overall, I was not very happy with this painting.         Still, it was fun meeting everyone and sharing my enthusiasm for art.  Everyone was complimentary and said they enjoyed the evening.  I appreciated their warm hospitality.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I was pleased with many of the outcomes of the last painting and have been thinking about the next variation.  Each painting needs to explore something different but keep to the self imposed requirements of combining collage, quilt or grid, drawing and self portraiture.  I decided to use the phone book as my collage material.  I found enough pages with some color variation and pattern to keep it interesting but not overpowering.  I kept the size of the drawings the same size as last time,  I am using the same drawing instrument for all the drawings. I took one of those cheap pull apart wooden chopsticks and whittled the wider end as thin as I could manage with a small box cutter blade.  I then shaped the more pointed end into an interesting shape for drawing fine lines.   I managed to get six of the drawings done today.  So far, I like the effect.  

I will be doing a demo for the San Carlos Art Club tonight.  Everything gets underway at 7 PM   They meet at the San Carlos Adult Community Center, 601 Chestnut Street (corner of San Carlos Avenue).  Parking is available under the library - 1/2 block away.  I'm sure visitors are welcome.  I hope some on you will be able to stop by.