
Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I appreciated all the positive comments on this piece but I had to follow what my own internal voice was telling me.  Interestingly, I was listening to a book on tape while I was painting this and it was a very dark, suspenseful story by Daphne Du Maurier called "Jamaica Inn".  I think something of the mood of that story invaded this painting!  I will be more thoughtful in my choice of listening material depending on what mood I want to inject.   Anyway, I decided to scrub off as much of the paint as possible and then collage torn tissue paper over the top.  After that layer dried, I attached a turquoise brush pen to a long stick and redrew the image.  By having the pen extended far out this way, I had less control over the drawing and it made for a looser, more interesting line.  I am hoping to paint it in the same, loose style instead of tight and controlled.  

Last night I had the pleasure of being the guest demonstrator for the Livermore and Pleasanton art societies.  There was a nice crowd and a few familiar faces.  Lots of energy and good questions while I worked.  I need to complete the painting, hopefully tomorrow, and then I will post the results.


  1. You are very talented.

    I love how it was one thing, then another, but you can see what it once was, just by comparing the before and after.

  2. This is why your work is so great, Myrna. You paint to suit yourself and your instincts are good. Go for it! Can't wait to see the new results.

  3. Does anyone else work in this process or medium? I've never seen anything like it. It's amazing. Love it.

  4. Its really wonderful to see how you work and critique your pieces and redo :) --thanks for letting us into your studio like this!

  5. Myrna, I really liked it before...but your inner voice won't lead you astray :) Will be watching to see what blossoms from this seedling...(can you tell I am SOOOOO ready for spring?)

  6. Oh thanks for showing us your is so interesting and inspiring. This is fun to watch.

  7. these are crazy good!
    you are so gifted.
    Keep up the challenge :)

  8. Count me in among the fascinated who watch how your paintings develop, disappear, and reappear in a new form.

  9. I so admire that you just dig in again! Wonderful! I'm rooting for you!

  10. Molt bo, felicitats...
    fins aviat.
