
Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I decided to do a second attempt at this image trying to get the words at the top to show up.  My idea to stamp gesso over the collaged crossword puzzles didn't act like I was hoping it would.  I still am looking for a way to incorporate words in a subtle way but readable.  Anyway, the face got away from me, so I covered it with tissue and then floated diluted gesso over the piece.  Unpleasant is a kind description.  Today I redrew the face and body and mixed acrylic glazing medium with my Hydrus liquid watercolors to counteract the pasty flat look.  I use gesso for my opaque white.  I think it came out okay even though very different than I had originally intended.  The beauty of the photo paper surface is lost.  It's all an experiment.


  1. I think it is excellent! Not sure how the photo paper look would have made a difference or if one could even see that viewing it online.

  2. The face is excellent! His intense concentration is apparent, and the design you created fills in the rest of the message. Love it!

  3. envious work....
    no! i envy all your works....

  4. I got a kick out of the last few words...."it´s all an experiment" got that right. I mean, isn´t everything we paint an experiment in the sense that you "roll with it"...we plan this and that but when the action starts it eventually tells us where it wants to go...or should go if you listen to you experiment in a way in order to get where you think you should be. If that makes any sense ;)
    I just ate WAY tooo much chocolate so maybe I am O.D´d on the stuff!!!
    I absolutely love the piece and I am an alpha/number freak and probably use way too many alpha/numbers in my work but somehow they alway manage to work their way in there. Your work is such an inspiration and joy to view. I would love to see you make some videos of your, I would need more chocolate ,,I ´d be so excited to watch!!!

  5. try omni gel to make polymer"skins" of your words and then adher them with a little gloss or matte medium or a little more omni gel too...there are techniques of how to do this check out this blog
