
Monday, June 8, 2009


Today we drove down from the Bay Area to Westlake Village, just north of Los Angeles. I am going to be doing a demonstration on Thursday night for the Valley Watercolor Society monthly meeting and then conduct a 2 day workshop on Friday and Saturday. If any of you are in the area on Thursday, come to the demo and be sure and say hi. The meeting is in Encino. Besides having the opportunity to meet and work with lots of new people, I am able to spend a little time with my children who live in this area.

It has been a busy few days with lots of news, both good and disappointing. On the plus side, I was accepted into the San Diego Watercolor national show. I have also been asked to lead a workshop for the San Diego Watercolor Society in January of 2011. This is very exciting. They have a fantastic facility with a big workshop room, beautiful gallery and a to die for art library.

On the minus side, I received my letter from the National Portrait Gallery competition and was disappointed to learn I did not make the final cut. "The Judges Decision is Final" was in the body of the letter. I thought that was an odd thing to say. They must have had some interesting calls and letters from the last competition. I was relieved that the suspense was finally over. It was difficult being in limbo for 6 months. Now I can get back to my life. I have 3 years to come up with another painting for the next competition. I guess I better get busy! It took me 65 years to come up with the last one. The nicest part of it all was learning that my husband truly thought I was going to win first place in the competition! With support like that, everything else is unimportant.


  1. Myrna - Congratulations on the good news. I was at SDWS yesterday working on the International Show and was so happy to see that you were accepted. So many big artists did not make it - I am in good company! And I am thrilled that you will be teaching at SDWS...just wish it wasn't so far off. There are a lot of us here in San Diego pushing for you. Hope you can come down for the I Show Reception in October. Aren't we lucky to have such supportive husbands - mine said the judge must be crazy! God love him.

  2. Hi Myrna, Congratulations on being accepted into the San Diego show! I was curious about whether or not you were accepted.

    "The Judges Decision is Final" is an odd choice of words for a letter of declination. I liked your submission; can't imagine why it didn't get first prize!

  3. Well all I can say it is their great loss. Congratulations on the San Diego entry and the workshop at least someone has the sense to appreciate your wonderful talents.

  4. Congratulations on getting into the San Diego wc show, Myrna. Sorry about the portrait show - but I bet they have a plethora of oil portraits, don't you? You'll soon find out if it's weighted that way and I like that you're already thinking of next time! You never give up and yes, your husband's support is, as the commercial says, "Priceless!"

  5. That sure is a peculiar sentence. I wonder if they had some bribes offered to change the judges mind...

    Oh, and - your husband wasn't the only one who thought your painting would get first place.

  6. There is a special place in hell for The Nat. Portrait Gallery people!
