
Thursday, February 5, 2009


Starting with a mid value makes things easier. You just have to put in the darks and the lights and voila! there it is. This is from a life drawing session as the Palo Alto Center awhile back. I have been very busy working but not doing much art the past week so I am going into the archives to find something I haven't posted before. This was done on grey pastel paper with charcoal and white pastel. I liked that both models were in view. You set up first and then the models show up. By then, you are locked into your space. It isn't always the view you would like. I lucked out this time.

The demo last night turned out to be a lecture/slide show by John Salminen and very informative plus entertaining. He talked a lot about his process and technique shared his artistic journey. He is very charming, delightful man. The last slide was the painting he submitted to AWS this year.....that was rejected! He wanted the members of the audience who didn't have their painting selected to be in the CWA annual this year to feel better. Quite a few of the people you see every year in AWS didn't make it this year. I like being in good company! I was more disappointed in not having an excuse to go to New York than I was in not making the show. There's always next year. I guess I had better get painting!


  1. Myrna . . .Let's put our heads together on this concept to come up with a way to make this easier for those who are learning it. As you know, there is something of a block in doing this process as a step in planning and designing paintings.

  2. Lovely drawing, Myrna. And I love knowing that we aren't alone - even the big names get rejected once in a while.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very sensitive drawing, Myrna. I thought you composed it on your own - but you really are lucky to have gotten such a view.

    Knowing John Salminen a bit, it just reaffirms my feeling that he's a very cool guy. Quite gallant of him to present a rejected painting.

  5. Hi Myrna,
    Thanks for sharing your classical side. I like that you do it all and do it all very well. All too often students want to paint loosely without taking the time to learn the classic underpinnings of a "spontaneous" artist's work. You're like an accomplished musician continuing to practice scales.
    Also, thanks for sharing an evening with John Salimen;
    it helps to know that an artist of his caliber can still be passed over by the AWS.
