
Saturday, November 8, 2008


I am excited to report that I am scheduled to do a workshop in Solana Beach, California (San Diego area) at the Studio of Arts and Design the last week in February! The Frenchman series is in preparation for the workshop. We will be using a different face but creating as many "variations" as possible during the week. The space is limited to 15 people max, so if you are interested, contact Rikki at

All of my computer memory was used up with too many photos so I spent a few hours transferring images to an auxillary hard drive. I finally cleared enough memory to print a contact sheet of my distorted Frenchman and then made these drawings. I was also viewing the latest CCP Video by John Salminen on Urban Landscapes (lots of great ideas and info) and worked some on my collage painting. The collage painting is looking very "clownish" but I can tinker with it once all the papers are applied. I want to do some additional drawings and then I will have loads of material for painting. If you are working along with me, send in those images. I need a few more for another slide show.


  1. I'm so glad this worked out - so fast! Yay. I will be there. Your blog is fabulous...a whole new world for me. See you in Feb. Kathy

  2. Congratulations on the "Variations Workshop"! It sounds like an interesting workshop. I do like the variations of the Frenchman. It helps to see different possibilities.
