Tomorrow starts the beginning of my workshop for the Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society. This is a fabulous group to work with and I am looking forward to sharing some new information with them. I workshop artist usually gives a demo the Sunday before the workshop. I was excited to see some hi tech new equipment set up. They now have a camera attached to a huge television monitor instead of an overhead mirror. Everyone loved the improved viewing. tomorrow I am going to be able to attach my iPadPro to the monitor and it should make taking everyone through the steps of each digital app we are going to learn much easier.
I decided to work on reconstructed Tyvek again and I am loving the end results. I need to ruminate on this image and decide if it needs any tweaking. I see a few small changes I would like to make. It is challenging when doing a demo because you are standing so close to the painting and there is no way to step back and stand it up for evaluation.
This is my friend Mary Spivey who was co-director with me at the Concord Gallery. Both Mary and the Gallery are gone now, but I wanted to honor her for the wonderful person she was.
Lovely painting of Mary.