
Sunday, November 15, 2015


I found another interesting profile to paint.  This one is on a torn and reconstructed Tyvek surface glued down with YES Glue so it would accept watercolor.  I love how the surface exaggerates the craggy features.   I am going to my studio today and prepare another sheet with the torn Tyvek.  I am inspired to start another portrait on this fascinating surface.  

If any of you have tried painting on torn and reconstructed Tyvek, please share your results with me!


  1. Wow! I'm in love with the texture. I may have to try this Tyvec. Also I've never heard of YES glue. Where did you find it, Myrna. May I ask?

  2. You are amazing! Another incredible painting!

  3. Beautiful and I love your commitment to your work. I hope to be there some day💝 Great challenge..didn't know you could tear tyvek. Trying that today!

  4. Thank you Jennifer. Miss seeing you in person!

  5. Hi Sharon,
    I am excited you will be trying this idea. You need to make a cut iinto the side of the paper before you will be able to tear it up.

  6. Thanks Myra for the post, I definitely will try this!

  7. Myrna are you gluing the torn Tyvek to watercolor paper? Or board? I remember you pulling Tyvek apart (which I didn't think you could do) in a workshop many moons ago at Kanuga.

    1. Hi Rhonda, you glue the torn tuck down with YES glue just like any collage material. I like to use it over failed watercolor paintings Killing two ugly birds at one time and hoping for a swan!
