
Wednesday, January 15, 2014



Every year I write down my goals for the coming year, then I put the list away and take it out the next year to see how things went.  If you are familiar with the rules of goal setting,  you know it MUST BE WRITTEN DOWN, otherwise it is only a wish, not a goal.  So, every year I write down..."get my AWS signature membership status".  I thought it was never going to happen.  Last year I made it into the show, so I fretted all year what to enter this year.  I was able to enter two paintings since I was eligible for signature.  My problem was that AWS does not accept collage elements in a water media painting.  If you have been following my progress, you know I am always adding collage!  The other challenge was that the two entries had to look like the same person painted them.  Since I rarely do anything the same way twice, I was in a quandary.  After stressing and stressing, I finally decided to enter this one and another I thought the style was similar enough.  I was very prepared to be disappointed but HURRAH! AWS accepted this painting. 

One always has to have goals yet to be met.  It motivates us to work harder and do better.  I still have a few more goals on my list.  How about you?  Have you written down your list yet?  It's not too late so grab that pen, find some quiet reflective time and get started making your dreams come true.


  1. Congrats, Myrna!!! I'm so happy for you!
    Best wishes, Sadami

  2. Hi Myrna,
    It's about time! Who ever is on the jury or how ever the selections are made, it's astounding that it took them so long to recognize (if I may borrow a term from Antiques Roadshow) a national treasure.
    May I offer you my heartiest congratulations on this long overdue recognition.
    I must admit it really irks me that part of their award criteria is having your two paintings look like they were done by the same artist.
    Maybe they finally realized the two were so different, it had to be you! :)
    Anyway, enjoy your unnecessary, but newly elevated status. For those of us who have always recognized your exceptional gifts, you've always been at the top of our list!
    Well Done, Myrna!

  3. Your portraits and self portraits are so passionate and exciting. I love seeing them. I would have a way better chance of being wonderful artists like you if we followed your advice about goals. Okay, I'll THINK about it. Meanwhile, I know that a number of ideas and techniques I've run into in your blog have made their way into my head and occasionally onto my w/c paper. For that, I thank you!

  4. Congratulations, Myrna! I knew this would happen for you. It's a matter of talent, skill, and perserverance to keep applying and trying (and hard work that comes from applying all three to a goal). Good for you!!!!

  5. Congratulations Myrna, and you do have a style! There is something about work that you do that is distinctive. Well done! Next goal?

  6. Congratulations, Myrna. It was only a matter of time...and effort, and direction, and persistence, etc., etc.

  7. Congratulations!!! Artists get very used to rejection so I know how pleased you are with yourself at this moment.

  8. Thank you, Sadami. I appreciate how supportive you are of my work .

  9. Gary, you make me blush! I need to hire you as my publicist. I told Jerry you said I was a National Treasure. He complimented your taste and mentioned what a talented artist he thinks you are.

  10. Thank you Katherine. I am always happy to hear that I make a difference.Now, go write your goals down! Thinking about it doesn't count.

  11. Thank you Jane. I appreciate your comment.

  12. Rhonda, you are so kind. I appreciate your long standing support. It is fun to follow your art through your wonderful blog.

  13. Peggy, thank you for your observations. Others tell me similar things. Sometimes I see it, and sometimes I am a mystery to myself! Your design talent is very unique and I love seeing whatever you are doing.

  14. Hi Jeff. You are always so complimentary. I appreciate the confidence and support.

  15. Jo, that is a good observation. I am always surprised when I make the AWS show. Even the most acclaimed artists sometimes get a rejection slip. It helps the rest of us put things into perspective. I am always honored when I get accepted but don't take it too hard if I don't. Different jurors, different opinions!

  16. Congratulations! excited for you -- well deserved recognition! 94558645 37853

  17. Thank you, Meera. I hope you get to NY to see the show, I am anxious to see it myself!

  18. I just went into NYC today to see the show. Loved your painting. Have you been there yet this year? This year's show is awesome! I had so many favorites. But I do have a little complaint about your title. I think I'm a couple of years older than you, so if you are "older than dirt" what does that make me? LOL!

  19. Hi Michele, Sorry I missed seeing you! I was in New York last week for the Awards Reception and Dinner. Glad you liked my painting and the show. I thought the show was great, too! I am pretty sure I am older than you , as I will be 72 in May. The expression "Older than Dirt" is a Southern one and the first time I heard it I thought it was very funny. Putting a title on a painting is part of the fun.
