
Monday, August 13, 2012


50/50 #45
At the very beginning of this project, I decided to paint the sides of the panels as they would be showing and I thought it might look good if it had various colors.  I divided the panels equally among the major hues and then did variations on each hue so that each panel had a distinctly different edge color.  When I went to add collage material and glazing colors, the edge of the panel determined color family I worked with.  This piece was from the purple palette and I had added black to the original color so it needed something in the maroon family for the collage material.  This made for a fairly dark background.  I used a fair amount of white acrylic to add definition to the black drawn lines.  Overall, I think it suits the emotion very well.

You know that you can click on the image and bring it up larger in a separate screen.  The texture shows up quite well that way.


  1. Another wow piece, Myrna. There is something so strong, so mesmerizing in this woman's face, in her pose. I find myself worrying for her.

  2. Your work is so wonderful, I could study it for hours. You make it all look so effortless but I can see so much work and thought involved. awesome stuff!

  3. Talk about mesmerizing..yes it is. I looked a long time at this and it seems that in each finger I see a person...Did you intend to do that, or is that just what I am seeing? To me, perhaps the "finger people" are those that she is concerned about....just a thought. A moving painting!
