
Wednesday, March 28, 2012



I am in the Washington, DC area teaching my VARIATIONS workshop for the Potomac Watercolor Society.  This is a great group of talented women in the workshop and we are having a wonderful time.    Each day is devoted to a different element of design.  Here are my demos for the element of SHAPE and VALUE.  By a roll of the dice, each participant selects a color combination to work with and a secondary element of design to pair with the element for the day.   I do the same and it makes for lots of unexpected results, lots of laughs and great creativity.

I didn't get to photograph all of the paintings, yet.  I will make a slide show to showcase all the inventive solutions this group is coming up with.  Can't wait to share it all with you.


  1. And what a fun workshop! I am having a blast :) As always, Thanks for generously sharing your knowledge ! And you are wonderful real-time too too :) Can't say enough about knowing you all these days as a cyber buddy/follower!

  2. I love the first painting; shape and size. It just really grabs me. Can you explain more fully how the roll of the dice determines what is painted?

  3. Meera, it has been so special having you in the workshop! Meeting Internet friends in person is exciting!

  4. Joyful, here is what we do. The elements of design are numbered 1 through 7. Roll the dice to see what element you will pair with the Element of the day. Color combinations are numbered. Roll of the dice and use this color harmony .

  5. The workshop sounds so fun! I love these two paintings of Jerry to. Can't wait to see what the ladies do!

  6. Way cool Myrna,glad you are having fun.You are such a dynamo when it comes to teaching.

  7. Hi Myrna, It's wonderful to hear you talk so enthusiastically about your workshops and students. Plus, I find these two paintings quite delightful and expressive!

  8. Thank you so much Myrna. The workshop was fabulous. Our PVW group is a fantastic bunch of artists anyway, but seeing all the "variations" was inspiring. You are most inspiring and I would love to bottle up a pint of your energy and then transfuse myself with it! You remind me of my first Jane Fonda exercise tape that I would SIT, and just watching would exhaust me!!
    You have the gift for teaching.

    Thank you, and a big hug!

  9. I can't wait to see what everyone did. Love your piece too! How fun...wish I was in the area, I would love to join you.

  10. Myrna, I enjoyed the SIZE variations of the square texture in Jerry.
    What has it been?- a year and half or 2 1/2 years since you came to La Crosse? Every time I paint I think about your teachings... appreciate your blog and the continued input and challenge to create. ellen roles
