
Sunday, March 18, 2012


This is based on a technique in Mary Todd Beam's book Your Creative Self.  The white part isn't so white but very pastel in the actual painting.  I am getting very frustrated in the poor color reproduction I am getting from my photos.  I can't decide if it is the camera or my lack of skill of the computer program.  So many variables!  Anyway, the basic steps to creating this was using swirling drawing lines, I drew the heads on YUPO using oil pastels in many different colors.  The background is white, not blue! 

 Then I covered the painting with black gesso and let it dry.  The next part was a bit tricky, trying to find exactly where the images where until I realized that that scraping the gesso was only coming off where the oil pastel was underneath!  I was disappointed that so much of the color came off and only left a tint on the paper.  I then mixed black and white gesso together and added some blue for the background.

So there you have it: TINT/BLACK/TONE


  1. I see what you mean about most of the color scraping off. Still and yet, the end result looks pretty darned cool, Myrna.

  2. The painting has a very unique look and I like how you finished it with blue background.--too bad the beautiful colors of oil pastels came off. I too find that white of the yupo paper when photographed always show a blue to violet tint!

  3. I know this didn't turn out as you anticipated, but I think you achieved an awesome textural effect. The faces are beautifully expressionistic because of the nice loose oil pastel layer underneath the black gesso...another winner in my book. You have inspired me to try some of your "clan" techniques...the whole series is wonderful.

  4. Myrna--re: the blue background that should be white -- this happens when your camera's white-balance feature is set on automatic. If you can, set the white balance manually using a gray photo card. (This gets into some fairly high tech camera stuff, only some of which I understand. There's lots of help on the i'net; search for "SLR white balance.") If your camera is a point-and-shoot, shooting outside on an overcast day will help alleviate some of that background blue, but not totally. Good luck! (BTW, love the blog, and love the art work even more.)
