
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


One of my goals this year was to experiment with YUPO and find interesting ways to work with it.  I had this wonderful backlit photo of my son that I wanted to paint.  So yesterday I took a sheet of YUPO and started playing with paint.  My objective was to create an interesting dark rectangle on the left and a smaller light rectangle on the right and then I would lift out the image from the dark areas.  I was happy playing around putting color down, diluting, spraying stenciling, lifting out, dripping, reapplying color etc.  I was struggling getting the area dark enough on the left and I couldn't leave the light area alone.  By the time I was through messing around, the paint wasn't going to life unless I scrubbed it out.  That would be difficult with the fine lines.  I went to bed and faced the problem fresh this morning.  I started with a white watercolor stick by American Journey but then switched a water soluble oil pastel called Porfolio  (available at Staples office supply)  These are creamy crayons that are really cheap!  Kathy McChesney gave me a set when we worked together in San Diego.  She does amazing work with them.  These crayons work very well on the YUPO.  I was able to lift off with a damp brush and they blended easier that the watercolor stick.  

I'm not sure how well imposing the profile on this background worked but it makes for an interesting image.  In retrospect, it has symbolic significance that I didn't plan but is appropriate.  I think I am going to continue to work with this image in several more paintings.


  1. This evokes memory, mystery, sadness and frustration, somehow. Perhaps it's the vertical lines and the image's seeming to be behind them. Very poignant and certainly something we'd like to see explored in your future work with Yupo and this image of your son. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Very different from your Friends series, and really interesting.

  3. Love how you explain the materials you are using along with your thoughts on what you are creating. Great work of your son. I'm trying to figure out what images to bring to the WS next week!
    Sharon Allred

  4. I am inspired by the way you boldly experiment with new techniques and mediums. Even if your piece didn't take the road you had planned, I find the art interesting and calling me back to look one more time.

  5. Oh to have been a fly on the wall while you worked, Myrna. I think this looks fabulous! Are you calling it finished or will you continue to work on this piece? I did read your words but wasn't sure if you intended to continue with this piece or start again on another.
