
Monday, September 20, 2010


The passage of time is a mystery to me.  Some things seem like they happened so long ago, perhaps I only dreamed it.  Other events seem like yesterday.  I just realized the other day that I was fast approaching the third anniversary of starting this blog.  Now that really seems like yesterday!  I have a tendency to not follow through on projects, so three years is just short of a miracle.  I think that all of you who follow along and give me encouragement have been the motivation I need to keep it going.  In the past, everytime I decided to keep a journal it lasted for about 3 days.  To think that this on-line art journal has lasted 3 years boggles my mind.  I do enjoy sharing what I am doing with everyone and making new friends I never would have met in any other way is part of the wonder of this modern age.  Maybe that is what was missing from a traditional journal for me....a connection to others.  Now it is possible to create a book through Blurb of my blog postings.  I may decide to do that as a tangible record of all this activity.  It will involve a number of volumns.  It is not high on my priority list at the moment, but nice to know for the future.  

Wrestling with the idea of the passage of time, I decided to start fresh with my 50th High School Reunion book.  I found a board book that is 12 inches square with 10 pages, so I dedicated the front cover, which I created today, to the 24 members of the committee.  Each square has a background of a metallic paper, the names are stamped using 3 different alphabets I couldn't resist buying, and then the drawing was done with a Sharpie Ultra Fine point permanent marking pen.  It is almost impossible to photograph metallic surfaces. but it looks quite snazzy in person!  Two of the people on the committee didn't have their photos in the year book, so I used other faces that look somewhat like them instead.  Most of the images don't resemble the person that much but it was a fun exercise.  I am hoping to get a photo of each of them at the reunion.   Can't wait to do the "after" images!!!  


  1. Congratulations on your third year as a blogger! You've contributed so much to this medium - inspired and educated us. Thank you! Your reunion drawing is getting very interesting. I'm looking to the then/now that you'll create.

  2. Yes, congrats on making it to the three year mark!! I really enjoy your work and blog...have fun at the reunion and I too cannot wait to see the after drawings.

  3. Yes, congrats to you on three years of blogging. And many thanks for all that you've shared with us. I've learned a great deal from you and I am constantly inspired by your work and your adventurous approach. I'll look forward to reading about your reunion, too.

  4. Congrats on your three years! It's a great thing to see! The reunion drawing is a great idea and I can't wait to see the after versions's to many more years of blogging!

  5. Happy Blogger-versary to you!!! So glad you did stay with us for this long and hope it's another 3 years of learning, sharing, and enjoying your work! I love the idea of the reunion book, too - I assume you'll take it to the reunion to share? Isn't it a fantastic thing to be an artist? Everyone else will just take photo snaps and you'll have something so much better and so much more personal to share with your classmates. Plus, you look so young they will all be jealous of your youthful smile and talent! (Okay, you won't believe this but the word verification for me today was MATER.)

  6. Happy blog birthday day to you! I look forward to following your work when at appears on my desktop. Also, I was tickled to see you using an old class yearbook as a source for portraits. I sometimes do the same thing, and find the combination of source material for drawing combined with the pleasure of remembering old friends to be wonderful.

  7. jane.w.ferguson@gmail.comSeptember 21, 2010 at 8:13 AM

    Yeh Myrna,congratulations you are an inspiration to us all.It has been a fun and instructive 3 years I look forward to the next 3.

  8. Congrats on your third year! It's been inspiring to come along on your journey.

  9. You've been so consistant in your blogging and I have looked forward to seeing your post every day. It's such fun to see all your creative endevors. Congratulations on 3 years and please continue!

  10. Happy third Blogaversary and many more.Way to go Myrna.

  11. Happy BlogAnniversary to you Happy BlogAnniversary to you ! anniversary dear Myrna,, happy Blog anniversary to you!! So glad you are blogging.. celebrate! Diana

  12. Congratulations and happy Anniversary and thank you :) So glad you are blogging and sharing your experiments and knowledge ! Pretty unique reunion piece!

  13. Hi Myrna,
    I hope you realize what a gift you give to all of us who read this blog :) Congrats on your 3 year anniversary! It is wonderful to see behind the painting, within the process and to live your journey.

  14. Congratulations, I visit more than I comment and I have to say I think you are so talented. you amaze me everytime I stop by. thanks for what you do.

  15. It's true that a blog seems hardly different than a diary, but that the feedback and friendly encouragement from others makes that seemingly small difference actually huge. Happy third blogday!

  16. Congrats Myrna,

    and thanks for so much wonderful art're funny smart and generous.

    We are all lucky for your creativity journal.

    all the best always,

  17. Congratulations! I had assumed it was many more than three. You are an inspiration and have taught me many things. Thank you for being here and so accessible to those of us with so much less experience in art.
