
Sunday, July 11, 2010


This painting is going places!  I had it packed in it's gigantic air float box ready to send to San Diego for their National Watercolor Exhibit when I received a letter yesterday from North Light Publications informing me that this image has been accepted in their publication "Strokes of Genius 3"!  It needs to be rephotographed for that, so the timing was very fortunate!  Had it been sent off already, I would have missed the deadline for North Light.  I have a wonderful friend in my critique group, Jane Peterman,  who does this kind of professional photography, so I unpacked the painting and took it over today.  I usually do my own photography but I don't have the equipment, skill or knowledge to do a proper job for publications.  The other fortunate thing is I had submitted the first and second stages of this painting because I wasn't sure if the painting alone would qualify for a book on drawing. I would have had to recreate the underpainting since those two stages didn't exist as separate pieces to be rephotographed.   I really dodged a bullet by having just the finished painting accepted!!

I am excited to be in the San Diego show.  I qualify this year to received signature status!  I have already scheduled my reservations to fly down for the opening of the show.  God bless Southwest Airlines for great fares and my wonderful son for his hospitality!  It makes visiting San Diego frequently easy!  

I will be teaching my "Variations" workshop for them in January.  I received word today that their website is ready to handle registration for the workshop.  You can go here to check it out.

Speaking of competitions, I was asked to be one of three jurors today for a local art society's annual show.  I thought I was the only juror, so I was very pleased to see that there were 2 others.  Both of these gentlemen are excellent artists and friends through the California Watercolor Society.  We worked well together, able to confer, express our opinions and agree upon selections without feeling pressured or compromised.  It becomes a wonderful learning experience for the judges as we share our viewpoints.  Watercolor Societies generally have very definite guidlines for framing and presenting work for a show, but it appears that art groups that have members working in a variety of media don't have these guidelines or rules, and many paintings suffer because of it.  We saw so many paintings that were ruined by the presentation.  We decided it would make a wonderful meeting or workshop for art groups teaching everyone how to best show off their work.  


  1. Congratulations on getting into the SD show, the book and the timing of the info. I love your work and am excited to be able to see it in person. I doubt if I'll make it to to opening but if I do, I would love to meet you. It's always fun to meet a fellow blogger.

  2. Myrna I found you through the art blog hop- your work is amazing, I will be checking back soon! Never tried portraits, but love your style!

  3. Congratulations, again! You know, I only bought the 2nd book because you were in it - you're going to keep me buying them, I see :)
    LOVE this painting!!! And, yes, people still need to know about presentation and how it does affect their work and how we look at it. Having just attended a local show and seeing so many of the paintings and pastels matted in various decorator colors that didn't do much for the paintings, I think it's a needed knowledge.

  4. Congratulations Myrna!!! Awesome! I love you blog! All my best Cathy

  5. This is a stunning much good news in one day...that is fantastic for you!! Congrats!!!

  6. Triple congratulations Myrna! It's fun seeing your work do well.

  7. What great news, Myrna! Very well deserved awards and accolades. Have fun in San Diego for the opening!

  8. Congratulations are definitely in order for you! Your painting is beautiful - so full of great detail.
    I'm glad you joined the artist blog hop so that I could find your lovely work.

  9. Congratulations! I love this painting, and can see why it was accepted. Wish I could be at one of your seminars but I do learn something from your posts - rule #1 - be adventurous! Now to actually do it, that's another thing. :)

  10. A fantastico self port., Mryna! Looks a wee bit Rauschenberg-like with the Myrna's built into the background. Congrats on the show and pub. All good news indeed, and you deserve it with stuff ("stuff" is an authorized art description don't ya know) like this.

  11. Double congratulations on the show and the book. That's just so awesome. You do some amazing work!

  12. First, Congratulations! You are an amazing artist. I think I've seen each one a few times...great job! I'm looking forward to seeing your future work.

  13. this is amazing- is this watercolor on top of the smaller paintings/drawings? love it!

  14. Wow I think that's one of your very best, Myrna - off the charts! I hope you win something, though unfortunately the shows aren't always judged by merit. Good luck!
