
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Here is the painting on my easel.  These insulation boards used instead of gatorboard to support the painting are great.  Not only are they cheap, lightweight and easy to cut to whatever size you want, you can also pin into them.  I have some long pins with beaded heads left over from my sewing days.  I unpinned the bottom so the edges are curling in this photo.  

I took a large sheet of tracing paper and placed it over the background and drew my image on.  I surprised myself and got it almost right the first try!  I am getting better at judging space and distance working this large.  All that practice I have been getting.  I made a few small corrections then transferred the image and went over it with ink drawn with my favorite coffee stirrer stick.  I used some white gesso in the highlighted areas.  Now I am building up the color with very diluted fluid acrylic.  I should be able to finish in with an hour or two more painting.

I want to thank those of you who took the time to comment on my last post.  In response, I want to share my thoughts with you.  I put aside the very best drawings without a plan for their future at this time.  The rest I decided to not see them as too precious. I want to focus on the "doing" more than the results.  If I produce enough work, some of it will turn out special, lots will be "okay" and some will be suited to the trash heap.  But all will have engaged my artistic muscle and fulfilled my desire to explore, express and make something with my heart and hand.  For me, that is where the fulfillment is.  I have photographed each drawing as I created them and plan to make a book at the end of the year long project as a way of documenting it.  I also had purchased a second calendar.  I have used a few of these pages when a drawing went particularly bad!  I feel I don't need to keep 365 drawings in tact and I am having fun finding new ways to incorporate them into larger pieces.  I used drawings I was unhappy with for my practice piece, so I was not concerned how that one might turn out.  If anyone has suggestions for other uses for these drawings, please send me a note.


  1. I love this quilt motif. If only more of us could focus on the 'doing' in our lives (like you do), instead of the end result, we would be a lot happier.

  2. Great post, it's nice reading your thoughts and the process of creating. Your piece of art is wonderful i think.
    When i've gathered enough drawings that i consider bad drawings, i torn them into pieces and glue them on a new paper to create a new collage kind of drawing. And sometimes with amazing effects.

    Sweet greetz!

  3. This is incredible! There is just so much to look at. :]
    Your description of how you made this just amazes me even more... you put a lot of effort into this and it shows.
    I can't wait to see the finished piece!

  4. I loved the boldness of your last quilt self portrait. On the flipside, the subtlety of this one is equally compelling.

  5. I love the finished painting. It is so unique! Certainly the best collage technique I've seen that I like.

    BTW, can you please be more specific about the insulation board? Haven't seen nor heard of it. Thanks for any info on this.

  6. I'm in agreement with Kass, here. Focus on the 'doing'.

    I learned a thing to do with "I don't like this" paintings. (And the tearing into little pieces for a college thing is cool too). Cut the thing in to strips of various widths. Weave a "picture" with your strips.

    Thanks for all your sharing Myrna. You provide great inspiration.

  7. I love this quilt one, you are inspiring me to do more work
