
Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Those of you who are regular followers know that : 1. love to paint on Tyvek and 2. I am always looking for ways to recycle failed paintings.

I also have been invited to give a short demo and art lesson during the California Watercolor National Exhibit this summer. The morning session will be young kids and the afternoon session will be adults (many who are not artists, I think)

Tonight I was looking at Nancy Standlee's blog and found new ideas for Tyek. By following the links on here blog, I found this video on how to make a wallet from a Tyvek envelope. I didn't know they sold these envelopes unprinted at the office supply store! I can't wait to try it. This will be my art project for the CWA art lesson. How fun is this going to be? Thanks, Nancy, for all the inspiration. Be sure and check out her blog at She has shared a wonderful workshop she attended recently with wonderful slide shows.


  1. Hi Myrna,

    I never thought of Tyvek as a painting surface. How cool. It makes sense. I'm going to try it. I use it as ground cloth when backpacking.

  2. So cool! I watched the entire video and was fascinated. Thanks, Myrna.

  3. Ooo I can't see the post properly. Some of the text is going off the page as is the video. I'll pop by again later!

  4. Sorry about the positioning. I copied the video and dropped it into the blog and it doesn't fit right. I don't know how to resize it smaller. You can click on it to go directly to u-tube and see it there properly.

  5. Thank you Myrna. I'll check it out on Youtube. When you download from youtube, there are options over on the right side of the video screen, one says 'Embed'. When you click in the embed code it drops down a box which has things like colour and border options. Underneath that, there are little gray boxes with different sizes above them. Click on one of the boxes that is an appropriate size for your blog and then click back in the embed code text and copy and paste into your post. It should work for you. Hope that helps!

  6. Very cool video! Would never think to do that. I watched another video on his site where it tells you that people have lost their wallet or been mugged and have managed to find or keep the wallet because it just looks like an old beat up envelope! Thanks for sharing Myrna.

  7. Thank you very much for sharing this information. We definitely need to learn from each other. All this technology and it keeps changing and getting better but the learning curve is challenging to keep up with!

  8. These make G R E A T wallets to carry coupons, because they're thin, attractive, and strong. : )

  9. These are GREAT to carry coupons, because they're thin, light, attractive and strong. Thank you so much. : )

  10. This was a really, really cool idea.
