
Sunday, January 10, 2010


This is the painting I did today in my demonstration for the Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society. This is a companion piece to the last painting I posted on the blog....the same unknown, unsuspecting model, in profile.  I worked on the background a bit but I think I want to bring it to the same level as the first painting.  I will be conducting  two back-to-back Watercolor Portrait Workshops for SCVWS starting on Friday.  It will be a busy week as I am also conducting a one day texture workshop for a private art group in Oakland, on Tuesday.  If that one is a success, I will probably set up a similar one day workshop  later in the year, open to who ever would like to attend.

The demo today was especially fun because there were so many friends in the audience.  I usually am looking out on a sea of unfamiliar faces.  I had a little more time than usual.  This was finished in 2 hours with a break in the middle.  Actual working time probably somewhere around 1 1/2 hours.  I started with a blank piece of paper and drew directly onto the paper with a blue watercolor brush pen.  Everyone stayed attentive and there were lots of good questions as I worked.  Fortunately, I am able to talk and paint at the same time (most of the time!)

 I would like to thank Mary Paquet and her wonderful team of volunteers who made everything so easy today and who make the workshops run so smoothly.  I am looking forward to the workshops.  It is wonderful to be able to share what you know and always a joy for me to see how everyone improves in their ability to create a likeness.

 There was a lot of picture taking today.  If some of you would send me some of the images, I will create a slide show of the demo for the blog.


  1. I love your water colors ... briliantly done !

    I wish I could do such

    Do visit my blog at


  2. Hey, I really like the idea of your blog as a challenge to yourself to work on your art. That's pretty cool. Your stuff looks great too! Keep up the good work.

    ~Kyle Wagner

  3. Your painting is absolutely stunning. This is the first time I've stumbled onto your page and I absolutely love it! Reading the little intro at the top reminds me of Julie and Julia (just watched it) so it's ace. Everything is brill.

  4. A newbiw, ias this art your fulltime work and do you make a good living from it?

  5. Very interesting portraits- so expressive and colorful...


  6. I felt like refreshed after seeing your drawings. It was something good to see after viewing trash in the net

  7. it's wonderful, you inspire me with your talent.

  8. I really do love watercolour. Unfortunately, I'm one of those who just don't mix well with that media. You seem like such an experienced artist, do you think you could give me some feedback on my drawings? I've only just started getting into Art recently (I just turned 15 a month ago).

    I'd appreciate your help. :)

    By the way, I'm loving your work so far.

  9. those paintings are unique..very talented of u... :)

  10. Great work - some serious skills on show - watercolour is by fas the hardest medium to get right - and it looks like you have!

  11. these are some amazing works! i love them, being an aspiring artist myself these have really opened my eyes!

  12. I love your paintings and I want you to go through my blog.

  13. This is so awesome. You have such a gift. I am inspired to challenge myself as an artist and commit to more creative time for myself. Thanks so much for this blog.

    Scribble Girl

  14. Myrna, thanks for the thank you to our Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society volunteers who conduct workshops with such wonderful artists as you. I loved the demo and the excitement among the crowd was evident as you painted. I look forward to the workshop.

  15. Love what you are doing. I to am on the drawing/art work everyday thingy at the moment to improve.

  16. that picture is really great! keep up the awesome work!

    D9 Robot

  17. Your blog is very nice, beautiful pieces of art. I always liked hand painting, but never got that good at it.
    Check out some of my works that I have posted.

  18. Hi,

    I just stumbled upon your blog, and your watercolour pieces are really quite beautiful!

    Keep it up!
    - Anthony

  19. Hi! Just came across your blog... I really like what you're doing, and I really dig the watercolors. Those cam be pretty difficult to work with.

    Take care!

  20. Very very nice.
    love the subjects : )

  21. You're an amazing artist. I've wanted to try and start painting myself (I'm not even quite sure I can do it)...but I just haven't gotten the motivation. You're art sort of does it for me. Keep it up. They're beautiful!

  22. i love your colors! bellisimi :)

  23. Love your Style, Keep up the good work!!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Very nice I enjoyed looking at all your work.

  26. I like your water colours except for around the mouth, the expression is not too nice, but maybe that is how she looks.

  27. wow that is so nice...
    i wish i could paint too.
    and meet you

  28. superb.:) I am a fan now.:) keep it up.

  29. Absolutely wonderful work!
    Wish I could write about them. :)
    If you don't object, I would like to take one of your paintings and make that a subject of a piece of prose. I'll grant you copyright and link your blog to mine. It'll all be a very informal affair of course! Let me know.
    My blog:

  30. Wow! I really like the art work on this website. I was following and

  31. Linda's Haiku

    Neck proudly bearing
    Life etched on this face divine
    Ask not why,just is.

  32. Just recently discovered your blog. You are very talented!
