
Friday, June 12, 2009


There was a wonderful turnout at the Valley Watercolor Society meeting last night. It was especially nice for me to have two of my sons and my daughter in law there. A traffic accident on the freeway created a 5 mph crawl for much of the way, spiking my level of anxiety of being really late. We barely arrived on time, but things went smoothly from there on. They have a very special system where the painting process is projected onto a large screen and they are video taping at the same time. I am wearing a microphone and the room is dark so the screen is brighter. It is very strange to look out and see blackness as you are talking. Fortunately, some people asked questions while I was working, otherwise it feels like you are talking to yourself as you chatter away and paint. They are going to create a DVD and provide me with a copy. It should be ready some time in July. That will be great to have.

Today was the first day of the workshop. It was a pretty big group...24...but everyone was enthusiastic and from the drawings I saw at the end of the day, there should be some great painting by the end of the day tomorrow. I will make a slide show and post the results.


  1. Well done on this demo, and it seems you had a great time yesterday and a great experience with that of project and film while you paint.

  2. Beautiful demo piece, Myrna. Your prep paid off! Sounds like high tech abounds in Southern California. Wouldn't it be nice if they could get the same results with the audience visible to you.

  3. This is a wonderful image to work with.

    A group of 24? Ah, I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to take your very first weekly workshops, when we were under 10.

  4. I love this so much I sent it to your sister! Then it replaced your self portrait mono-print as my computer background.

  5. Great painting. Definitely seems more than just a demo. More like a musical artist that can play as well on stage as in the studio.

  6. wonderful painting.also loved the sketch development of last posting.I wish i was there to participate!!

  7. wow!! absolutley stunning.. love the colors!! thanks for sharing!!

  8. I've landed on your blog following a link on Fernando Pena's blog.... and I really like your blog even when I'm not a painter (photographer at this side of the computer). Congrats!

    Javier Echaiz
