
Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Yesterday, I took the time to watch the new Creative Catalyst Productions DVD by Ann Bagby. I love, love, love, Ann Bagby and the DVD is fantastic. I am now running around in the rain trying to find a few of the items she uses. I am going to try and carve my first hand made stamp. One of the aspects of her work that I get excited about is how she combines realistic aspects (like faces and hands) with abstract, patterned textural elements. She actually had a bag of heads that she does and then tries them out on different body shapes. It reminded me of paper dolls but instead of clothes, she puts different faces on them ! The faces are mask like.

I was looking at a magazine this morning while procrastinating getting out of bed and found this photo of a group of Muslim women with their headscarves on and I realized here were some Ann Bagby style heads, so I spent a few minutes and drew them. Can't wait to make some interesting paper-doll bodies to hang these heads on!


  1. You continue to absolutely amaze me with your energy and creative directions. Can't wait to see what this brings. Love your blog so much.

  2. Myrna, I have mine also and love the dvd. I've been on a search for the "surgical hand scrubs" to use for attaching the pieces and can't find any supplier. Anne said a nurse gave her some so when you find a supplier let me know. I need to get busy with some stamps as I have her workshop the last of the month. I want to see her paint some of the faces..very interesting dvd.

  3. very interesting ,see you Thursday

  4. I agree with Sandy. Can't wait to see what your energy and creativity produces next! I first learned of Ann Bagby through Artist Magazine and have been intrigued with her work, which looks like a lot of fun to produce.

  5. Back again. I just got off the phone with Jean Pederson, author of Expressive Portraits. (I hope to engage her to give a workshop for SCVWS in 2012.) She was telling me how much she admires your work, Mryna, and that she enjoyed meeting you in NYC. She was delighted to find your picture and your workshop on the SCVWS web pages.

  6. It appears I have been remiss in not always commenting on the comments left on my blog. I apologize to anyone who thought I was being rude. I shall do better, starting today!

    Sandy, we have a mutual admiration society going here. Love your work and interesting techniques. Not sure about my energy level but art sure gets me fired up!

    Nancy, I am jealous you get to take a workshop with Anne Bagby. I found the deli wrapping paper today, and cut my first home made stamp. I think a substitute for the surgical applicator can be found in the hardware store under paint supplies. It looks like a small sponge on a handle. You can rig one up.

    Mary, are you in charge of workshops in 2012? I have a dream list to submit to you! Jean Pederson is a very gracious woman and I enjoyed talking with her in New York. Thanks for sharing what she said about me.

  7. I love your art.

  8. Thank you for your continuous inspiration. I checked out Anne Bagby's work a lot.

    It feels modern-medieval to me. Very rich and textural.

  9. I love this DVD too! I made the collage papers in b/w and love using them in all kinds of ways- they are such a great starting point!
