
Saturday, November 15, 2008


Tucked in between vacuuming, dusting, rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic (that would be my new workspace!) in preparation for a visit from some out of town friends who keep a spotless house, I managed to start the portrait of Paul as a 5 year old, do a quick sketch of my favorite well-loved object and work a few hours on my up-coming Variations workshop. I still have a silver tea set to polish, brass railings to shine, wash the kitchen, breakfast room and office floors (they all run together) start the soup for lunch and sweep the driveway. I guess I will be getting up very early tomorrow morning! The upstairs is sealed off and not available for guest's inspection. Oh Lord, I hate house cleaning! So much effort for results that last so briefly.
At least I can work on art guilt free for a while.

Here is a photograph of the Anniversary Pillow. Also a photograph of my favorite well-loved thing along with my EDM Sketch #6. This is a portrait doll of my sculpture teacher at the College of San Mateo. His name was Ray Loranzato and this was my final project. Ray originally sat in a soft sculpture fur lined teacup. When Ray talked about the Dada movement in art, you could tell how much he loved the concept. The fur lined teacup was one of the famous pieces of art from this period. Ray, the doll, has survived 3 sons and 2 grandsons who used to throw him around like a bean bag until I put a stop to it. Ray, the sculptor, is no longer living, but I think of him every time I look at his doll. I keep him hanging for dear life on top of my other most well loved treasure, my first studio easel. It was a gift from my parents for Chanukah when I was 19. I still use it sometimes when I need a big easel and it sits in a place of honor in my living room, always with a painting on it.


  1. "silver tea set to polish, brass railings to shine" - you are kidding, right? it really is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

    Nice sketch of Ray - he really is a fun bloke to have hanging around the house. Oh, and - very cool new image on your blog title!!

  2. Myrna,
    Thanks so much for your offer re: portrait coaching. I came to look at your blog and just realized that I was here Friday or yesterday watching Twyla. I will definitely take you up on your offer - probably after the Holidays. My life is complicated - and I'm stretched between work, business trips, family - grandchildren.

  3. Myrna - I love your style - welcome to EDM - good luck getting the house cleaned and the silver polished - I saw your post on EDM digest and then had a look around - I loved the series of Vern it was very interesting - (ps I'm looking into your May 2009 workshop in Dallas)

  4. Kathleen, that Dallas workshop was this year 2008. I need to update the workshop schedule. I have two more to post for 2009 and some for 2010. Hope you can make one of them.

  5. Nava, unfortunately, not kidding about the metal polishing. Someone has to do it and I let my cleaning person go. Jerry actually volunteered and did the brass rails. No takers for the silver tea set ( a special wedding present from my sister)

  6. Uh oh - I guess I'm a little late to get into that one - thanks for the heads up -

  7. The portrait is so evocative - a lingering sadness there. Love the creations in fabric! And love your new header for the blog, too. I hate housecleaning - there are always so many more interesting things to do but it must be done once a year, whether it needs it or not.
