
Sunday, October 26, 2008


After a great week in Ocean Shores, I am back home and in the full swing of things. Today, Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society had their opening reception for the annual show.

Tomorrow I will post more about that, but tonight I want to share a slide show of the final two days of the workshop with everyone. I was so impressed with how much progress everyone made from their first painting to the second and third! Everyone got at least a good headstart on their paintings. We only have one day for the profile from conception to drawing to finish and the same for the child, so most are working faster than normal. It was a great group and I really enjoyed getting to know and work with everyone.

Here is my final demo...TaDa! another self portrait! I just get younger and younger. Also the group photo. We set up my gorilla pod tripod on a chair back and then lifted the chair and set it on a table . Good thing Jeff is over 6 feet tall because I couldn't tell what was in the viewfinder! He got us lined up and then put the self timer on. Worked like a charm.

Enjoy the slide show.


  1. Hi Myrna!
    I always enjoy these slides shows. This one is particularly fun since I know some of the artists; the paintings are wonderful!

  2. I know one should never ever say "cute" about a work of art, but these rosy cheeks and pouty mouth of yours - that's a very, well, um... adorable little girl!
