
Sunday, September 28, 2008


Today I was able to go the the quarterly drawing marathon in Palo Alto and stayed for both sessions. It took a little trial and error but I finally figured out a combination of inks and pens, brush strokes and marks that gave me results I liked. I am posting my two favorite drawings from today and the rest that I liked are in the slide show. I was using India Ink with a brush, walnut ink with a brush and the Elegant Writer black pen and then a permanent fine point uniball pen. I took the phone book, my new pad of YUPO and a Watercolor travel book that I wasn't too fond of the paper quality. It was perfect for the materials I worked with today. The morning session had my two favorite models. In the afternoon, I switched to the long pose but didn't have an interesting vantage point so I started drawing the other artists around the model a la Charles Reid. That was fun. I was so happy life didn't interfere with art today.


  1. I like #4 in the phone book slide show. Why a phone book?

  2. Phone books are ubiquitous and a great source of free paper! During a drawing session, the poses change very fast. So easy to just keep drawing and turning the pages.

  3. A comment left on the slide show from Carol Stohs:
    I truly love this. You are so brave and your talent knows no limits.

  4. I do love your drawing style. My favorites this year are the pen and ink of the man's back as well as # 10/13.
    All the poses in the phone book are very full of energy.

    Your line work reminds me of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Bravo!

  5. I love the gesture of your drawings.

  6. I love how free and fluid your style is! :) I love your images, especially of the figure and love how you took the phone book as a source of paper!
