Abeer Sakkejha is the artist who created these charming drawings of a simple but interesting object. Looks can be deceiving. Ellipses are devilish to draw. Here is what Abeer had to tell me about her experience: "Attached are 5 drawings that I did over 5 days, I chose a simple subject ( brush) and gave it about 20-30 minutes a day, I noticed how I developed by the end of the fifth day and I started interpreting more than just copying (which I usually do), I also became more relaxed and the lines were looser day by day( which is always my goal). That was a nice little exercise that I enjoyed while lounging on the sofa in the evening." Be sure and check out Abeer's blog. You can find the link by scrolling down the blog to the links on the right side.
Tomorrow I will post another submission. I like being able to create a little slide show of one person's set of drawings rather than putting them all into one big slide show.
Yesterday I participated in the California Watercolor Society's (CWA) Educational Outreach program. During the year, volunteer member artists go to various schools and present a lesson for the students. In the summer, they put on a one day seminar for teachers at the Gallery Concord. I was pleased to be able to be one of three volunteer artists to participate. I asked who taught art...about a third of the group raised their hands. Then I asked who personally did art...another third raised their hands. Someone said there was a third category represented...those who buy art! A very important group to know! I shared the Elegant Writer Pen and then I showed them how to paint on Tyvek. It was a very fun day complete with a delicious lunch. The wonderful person responsible for making this program work is Carol Smith. What a tireless, dedicated hard worker and always cheerful with a big, big smile on her face. CWA is so fortunate to have a volunteer like Carol. What a treasure she is.
I belong to 3 local art organizations and all of them function because of the tireless efforts of volunteer members. Like many members, I help out a little here and there but these organizations only work because of the amazing generosity of a few members who are willing to devote many many hours of their precious time to do the big jobs. Be sure and let those in your local groups know how much you appreciate their efforts.
I was one of the teachers who attended the workshop. I was so impressed! I am certain that I will use most of the ideas that were presented that day. Myrna's lessons were a perfect compliment to the day. The Elegant Writer lesson is sure to please. I can't wait to do that one in my classroom next year. I also enjoyed working on the Tyvek paper. It was particularly useful for two reasons. It literally makes the artist think outside of the box, in terms of creating texture, AND the paper is perfect to acquire, for a teacher on a budget. I cannot express my thanks enough. What a wonderful day at the Concord Gallery. Myrna, you are a treasure!
ReplyDeleteI am really enjoying seeing the sketches others have done, wish I could get my act together and participate, but not to be, thought yesterday I finally cleaned out the garage and put all my painting stuff away from M.Bailey's BTO class I took in early spring. Now everything is organized!
ReplyDeleteI thoroughly enjoyed the five drawings of the brush. It's neat to see the progression; inspiring!