
Saturday, May 24, 2008


Here are some photos of my drawing and painting kit that I take with me when I travel. One could have it with them at all times because of its' size but I save it for when I am on the road. Please note that my hand is not that fat!!! It is the camera angle. I wanted to show the size in relation to my hand. Hotels have miniature bottles of shampoo, mouthwash etc. for the guests. I use such a bottle cleaned out as a small water container. It fits in the kit nicely and doesn't leak. I have several Elegant Writer Pens in this kit, two regular travel brushes, one brush that holds water in the handle and a small mechanical pencil as well as a pen with permanent ink. A purse size packet of tissues complete the set.


  1. Thank you Myrna! Cool idea, especially when space is limited.

  2. Great idea! thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Thanks for sharing your secret. BTW, I went to your website and was very taken by your wonderful paortraits, especially Lorraine. Beautiful stuff!

  4. I see that you found a good use for empty Mary Kay products!
    (I was a consultant, too, and I always thought of how I could use things for my art, since I was an art teacher! Now that I'm retired, I'm finding more art uses for all the things I had left.)
    Those little styrfoam trays that we used at classes are great to put a little paint in. I use them for acrylics. The old mascara, etc. brushes for classes are great, too, for travel, or when you don't want to ruin a good brush, or when you need a different texture.
    I save all my old jars, that are interesting, and use those for still lifes or for storing things.
    The showcase bags are great for taking things outside for plein aire.
    I thought that I could use all my old mirrors for my classes to do self portraits, but I retired before I had enough for a full class. Now, I have a lot of mirrors.
    I've seen cheek color, eye shadow, etc. used on muslin, in making soft sculpture dolls. I need to find a good use for the expired things like foundation. I'll bet they would work on paper or fabric.
    I just hate to toss out things! I'm donating some things to the local art teachers, and maybe they can find some use for some of what I have left that I can't use for myself.
    I've used staining materials, like berries and other things, to paint with, and filled in with watercolors or acrylics.
    I'm really glad to see your set up. I have a travel set of Winsor Newton watercolors that I've had for years. But, as I have added colors into the mixing tray in the top, I've found that they may drip into the other colors, or even stick, when I close the lid.
    I'm finding that, as I get older, I can't carry so much at one time.
    Oh, I do use those plastic bags, the ones that were clear and had a black handle with some black trim on them, to put my sketchbook, a clipboard that can also hold pens, pencils, eraser, small ruler, and a pencil sharpener, a bottle of water, in case I am working where there is no water fountain handy, and a drink for me. My watercolor set fits into my purse, and I have a film container, or a medicine bottle, to hold my water. I even put a top from fabric softener into my plastic bag to use for water, at times.
    I also take along a plastic bag, like the ones from the store, or a trash bag, to put my trash in. And a couple of paper towels, and a few tissues, in case I need them.
    I think I am going to have to adjust my "load", however, and start using a smaller, hardback sketchbook. The larger sketchbook that I like is getting heavier and heavier! And, the soft cover lets the pages bend too easily.
    Just some of what I have found.

  5. Hi Myrna, i love the idea of the small palette. I use the small plastic palette,that you can buy, but i took the self stick velcro, and put a small piece on the inside of the lid of my palette, and the matching piece on a small plastic container, (that you get fruit, or pudding in)
    and it serves as my water bowl. it is wonderful! It stays in place..and is always there. I think you might could do the same thing w/ your altoid can.. maybe use another lid of some sort.
    OR if you had some different colors you wanted to include! Just an idea! i love your creativity journey blog!
    Suzy Pal

  6. Any problems with airport security taking your painting kit on the airplane?

  7. I have had no problem with security at airports. I usually ask for a glass of water on the plane and use it to paint with. I always carry bottled water with me everywhere, so I just need a throw away lid for rinsing the brush out. My little mini bottle that fits in the kit also works for this purpose.

  8. I teach middle school art and we use Prang WC oval sets, which are pretty nifty because the little oval pans come out....when a kid is through with a set, I wash out the oval pans and fill them with tube watercolors.

  9. I once painted in the waiting room during the time my husband was in surgery...brought a mini-kit, small sheets of wc paper and some newspaper for the table,and got water out of the husband was waiting with me until they called him for the surgery, he was aghast at one lady who gave me very nasty looks at what I was doing...i told him not to worry, if she did not like me painting to keep my mind from worry about his surgery that was her problem...i ignored her and it was not long before she left. It was actually the first time I got such a cold reception from me doing art in public other than the time security at Baylor questioned my setting up an easel and place to paint (I had an arrangement to paint Baylor Hospital scenes to pay for my stay at their hotel while my husband was had major surgery (the stay was for 8 days)...funny thing, I had already been there nearly a week ALL over Baylor before sharp- eyeed security said anything. I did 11 paintings in 7 days.

  10. Now Ronald, remember what Thumper's mother said "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

    Actually, it is a distortion of the camera. It's not really all that fat.

  11. Myrna, your paintings and blog are very lovely. As is your hand :) thank you for sharing.

  12. where did u get that great zip bag?

  13. Great idea! You made me chuckle about your hand!! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Hello! Interesting, I would libre to know what is the bag you use… where did you get it
