
Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I found this post on the internet on a website for creativity. I thought it was an inspiring message as we start out the New Year.

Becoming Creative: 6 Easy Steps Toward Becoming Creative By David Wahl

First, I’ll state the obvious. Everyone is creative. There is no person on this Earth that is incapable of coming up with a new idea. However, our entire educational system and most of our culture is set up to squash the creativity out of you. Instead of trying to learn how to be creative, you really just have to remember how to be creative.

If you have a nagging voice in the back of your head telling you to be more creative, here are 6 simple tips that will push you toward becoming a passionate, creative person.

1. Lower your anxiety level. Fear, insecurity and stress are all creativity killers. Do you have some issue or worry in your life that you could easily solve? It doesn't have to be a big issue, take care of little things. Make sure your car never gets below a quarter tank of gas so the empty light never comes on. Avoid caffeine or other stimulants. Breathe deeply. Meditate. Take care of little problems before they become big problems. The less anxiety you have, the more you'll be able to focus on being creative.

2. Ask more and better questions. Asking questions is the keystone of creative thought. The only way to get something new is to question the old. Every time you ask a question you force yourself to consider other perspectives and to question your preconceptions. Don’t rely on other people’s answers, really figure it out for yourself. Here are some questions to get you started: How can I make this better? Why do we do it this way? Why am I the greatest human being ever to exist?

3. Try new things. Do something that you have never done before. This can be as extreme as finding a new job or as simple as trying Indonesian food. Read a book on a topic you know nothing about. Strike up a conversation with a stranger and ask him/her about his/her past. Trying new things will expand your references and perspective. Finding new ways of looking at the world increases the value of what you already know by letting you find new uses for it.

4. Figure out what you love doing and what makes you happy. This should be an easy task, but some people can’t list more than two or three things. Shouldn’t you be able to fill up a full sheet of paper, both sides, with things that make you happy? If you can only come up with a few, focus on finding more. Your creativity follows your passion and happiness. Artistic expression is its own benefit. It’s the rare artist that makes a living from his art, so passion and happiness are the only two real reasons to create.

5. Forget about your lame excuses. Really, stop with the excuses. They are all lame. There are many people that have it worse than you do that manage to do incredible things.

6. Actually do something. This is the step that actually turns you into a creative person. Thinking about doing something doesn’t make you creative. Talking about doing something won’t do it. The only way to become a creative person is to actually create something. This is the only step that matters. Pick up that pencil and draw! Write! Dance! Carve a robot from a bar of soap! It doesn’t matter! DO IT NOW!


  1. And Happy Happy New Year to you, Myrna, and to all the wonderful artists you have brought together on your blog!! This is an amazing mix of paintings and great talent! I had forgotten seeing some of these and was pleased to go back and see them again.

  2. Here is a comment by Sally Bookman left on the slide show comment space:
    "Great slide show - very impressive work from so many committed artists. How interesting to see what can be done with an unusual and limited palette of colors. Well done everyone! Hope I can get something accomplished for the next slide show. "

  3. Inspiring indeed. I

    've just posted a photo-collage from our time out on Sonoma. Didn't have a bar of soap to carve a robot :-)

    Happy 2008!!!

  4. Happy New Year and thank you so very much for the good advice on creativity. I really, really like your last painting of 2007. We're going to jump into Tyvek next week in one of my classes (Rhonda's.) Can't wait.
