I am challenging myself to work on my art every day and create a minimum of 2 finished pieces each week. My intention is to explore ideas and techniques and push myself beyond my comfort zone. I will be working in a series with several different images. My interests at this time are drawing, line, texture and color. I will be posting exercises and challenges for myself and any others who wish to join in the Creativity Journey.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Carrie Ross was nice enough to send me these sequential photos of the demo last Sunday. They are taken from the overhead mirror so the image is reversed and there is some distortion. (You can slow up the slide show or speed it up or stop it by clicking on the lower left hand corner symbols.) I felt like I was painting at a manic pace which makes things more intuitive than really thought through.
Carrie also sent along two drawings that she did in response to the challenge. I will include them in the slide show on Friday. Carrie was one of the new friends I met this summer when we were on the trip to France with Mike Bailey. She works mostly in pastel and does beautiful work. Her first show is going to be November through January. The location is First Street Coffee, 1211 First Street, Gilroy, CA They are hanging the show Friday. I do not have firm dates except for the reception date which is Sunday January 13th. I don’t have times as yet either. More to follow when the information becomes available.
I was able to paint somemore on the John Wayne painting today. I have been photographing the stages as I go along. Hopefully, I will be able to finish it tomorrow and will post the steps in the development of the painting. Since I don't often remember what the heck I did to get to the finished painting, the photography is an important process for me.
Gorgeous painting, Myrna, and thanks for showing us the step-by-step process!