
Saturday, October 6, 2007


Here I am at the Gallery Concord Reception with my friend, student and now proud owner of an original "Myrna Wacknov", Judy Rowe. Judy is fairly new at watercolor and doing some very amazing work. She is an architect, so she is branching out in her artistic endeavors.

It was a beautiful day and a very nice turnout at the reception. A number of my friends drove the 50 miles each way to come and I appreciate their support.

Here is Abeer's contribution to the Painting Challenge for October. Abeer is a traditional painter, so I love how she is channeling Matisse and boldly putting green in the face! It's really fun to do something very different from your natural style. I have added her blog to my links so you can follow her painting journey, if you like. Here are her comments on what she learned from doing this painting:

"I am actually learning a lot through this whole process, one thing I learned from the Matisse effort is how important the drawing is, it is the base , I couldn't have had a good portrait by just painting, I also learned that gouache ( my first time use in watercolour) has an interesting effect, I like what it does to a painting it is like the oil painting effect. The one thing I was surprised to find out is that watercolour doesn't have to be always be transparent to be beautiful.
In general this process is making me think constantly, and do research and read books etc... and I LOVE IT!"

I can't wait to see what the rest of you are working on.


  1. Myrna, having seen you only through your self-portraits I have to say you don't portray yourself as young and vibrant in your portraits at you obviously are in real life! Good luck on the gallery show.
    And the painting by Abeer is lovely! Thanks for turning me on to another blogger I'll be checking out :)

  2. Rhonda, thanks for the "Young and Vibrant" description! I use my self portraits, and those of other people as well, to explore something other than an exact likeness. I am hoping for something deeper and more interesting. In my self-portraits, I am examing the aging process and coming to terms with the reality of it and becoming comfortable with lines and sags and bags. I like some distortion for mood or impact.

  3. Myrna, I think that's what I love about your work, and especially your portraits - the are all about emotional content, and not just about technique and making the subject look glamorous. They go beyond likeness, and definitely beyond the obvious. Thanks for adding the link to my art blog!

    Abeer's painting is very sensitive! I love the division of spaced and the colors.
