
Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Here are the fabulous drawings from Kathy Mitchell. Thank you Nava for helping me to post them. Really had to jump through hoops for this one, but well worth it as these are masterful from a great artist.

The library always costs me money because I want to own practically every book I check out. I can't believe I found the Vincent Van Gogh book for $19.95 on line!!!!! They are only charging me $3.99 for shipping. I guess they forgot to weigh this book!! There are other copies of this book out there for bargain prices but this was unbelievable. The book new is well over $200.

I have made my list of artists I want to "disect and absorb". I needed nine as I have divided a full sheet of watercolor paper into 9 equal sections. I planned where I would put each of the nine paintings so as to have a balanced and interesting finished painting. I decided "Vincent" would be in the center as it had the most active brush work and lots of bright color.
Here is the finished bozzetto next to the practice piece. Doing the practice one helped me make better choices for the finished piece. I could feel myself starting to impose my impulses into the new piece while still keeping the spirit of Van Gogh. I learned something about optical mixing using this style. I think I want to study his reed pen and ink pieces. This was a fun exercise and I am ready to move on to the next artist.


  1. Sorry these drawings were
    challenging to post. I promise
    to make it easier next time.
    Also, it is fascinating to
    see your thought processes
    in developing your bozzettos.

  2. It's fascinating how every artist does the wire drawings in a very different ways. Even in that allegedly simple exercise, the artist's "handwriting" shows.

    Looking forward to seeing the next artist you adopt.

    (-) Your congenial tech support ;-)

  3. Hey Myrna! I am so enjoying your blog and all who contribute! I have to say about your challenge, however, that I am sorely tempted to jump in and play, too! Considering that I am still fighting through the morass of work for open studios, I will have to either forfeit the opportunity or postpone. Every artist that has contributed here is producing eye popping results! I love these drawings!!!!!!!!

  4. Hello Myrna,
    Your blog has inspired me to draw/paint each day.
