
Sunday, July 19, 2015


DEMO from 3 Amigos paint for the SCVWS

Saturday I had the great honor and pleasure to paint again with Christopher (Topher) Schink and a new member of the 3 Amigos band of renegade artists, Mike Bailey.  We did a demo for the Santa Clara Watercolor Society with the 3 of us simultaneously painting the same model.  My good friend and fellow artist, Carol Worthington Levy, took several hundred great photos.  I haven't quite figured out how to get them from Dropbox to my computer.   It seems I have done it but they don't appear.  More hours of messing around with technology but I will figure it out and share more images of the event.  Lots of volunteers made the event special  and we had a great enthusiastic capacity audience of 120.  This is a dynamic watercolor society and I am proud to be a member.  

This was my finished painting.  I will share the different stages of development when I get the photo challenge sorted out, along with some photos of my "amigos" and some images of our set up and overflowing crowd.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


It was my turn to sit at the new Society of Western Artists' gallery in San Bruno.  I used the time to explore some digital apps for my iPad to replace the PS Touch app which has been discontinued.  I can't find one that has all the features that I have been teaching in the latest workshop I have developed.  I did find one that is quite extensive, so I need to rework the curriculum.  Technology is amazing but it can be frustrating as well!  If you like to play, try iColorama

After I played around with a photo I took of my sister during our trip to Paris, I painted this little painting today.  I had saved all the papers from the trip and used them to collage  pages in my travel sketchbook.  Turns out these papers were from the central market in Florence, not papers from Paris.  I loved the graphics they used in the Central Market promotional materials and signage upstairs in the restaurant areas.  The papers were heavier than I usually glue down so I used a stronger solution of mat medium.   The watercolor resisted at first but I finally was able to get it to stick.  Interesting melding of the papers and paint.