
Tuesday, August 26, 2014


SKETCHCLUB Digital Painting
Just back from a family reunion weekend.  To pass the time on the plane, I like to practice drawing and painting with one of the many art apps I have on my iPad.  Sketchclub is my favorite because it is easy to change settings quickly and they have a setting called "sketchy" that produces a very interesting effect.  I wish I could figure out how to do that with traditional drawing materials.  I selected the largest size for my drawing and it created this very long format.  

Now, to get back into a regular schedule!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014



I took a little vacation from blogging but not from working!  I am getting  ready to share a wonderful teaching experience with Anne Bagby in a few weeks and then I am off to the Florida Watercolor Society conference where I will be giving a workshop, doing a demo and some one on one critiques.  There will be constant activity and events including their annual exhibit,  a trade show, a paint around and a banquet.  I have never been to this type of  conference and it will be exhilarating.  I can't wait!

This painting needs to be framed and shipped before I leave.   It was accepted into the 2014 National Watercolor Society National show.  As ever, I am very excited to be included this year.  With so many excellent artists entering, it is a miracle to be excepted.  It is hard to say what will make the cut.  I was disappointed that I didn't get into the San Diego WCS International show.  All we can do is create a lot of work, set aside those pieces that feel successful  and be willing to take a chance, keeping our fingers crossed. I think I should be doing more of this formatting.  It is not an original concept but creates an interesting dynamic between the nine faces.  

In my next post, I will share some questions to consider when evaluating your painting.  It is helpful as a way to take another look at your work after you have stared at it so long you can no longer be objective.