I decided to use the last image I posted and create another painting. I wanted to use the art program I will be teaching my next workshop and see where it would lead.
I like to start by covering over a failed painting. Fortunately, I have lots of these! Here is the first stage of the new painting. Using PS Touch, I created a notan (2 value) then, viewing that image in my iPad, I painted over the old painting using just two color. Some of the previous incarnation showed through but I don't worry about that knowing it would eventually disappear under the additional layers that were coming. It was, however, somewhat distracting. I used a mid value orange instead of a very dark value color as an experiment to see how this would affect the final result. Working with just two values forces the artist to see and evaluate shapes, angles, distances, relationships rather than seeing "things" i.e nose, lips, glasses etc.
Notan stage one of CHAMPAGNE DREAMS |
The next step was to add transparent or translucent collage over the piece. Normally, I use hand painted papers. I am partial to tissue collage for its transparent quality. I had just saved a piece of printed tissue that was used in a gift basket. I realized I had two other prints with a circular, dot pattern. This could be fun!!
Stage two: Collage Layer for CHAMPAGNE DREAMS |
Having the mid value instead of dark value allowed me to more easily make adjustments for a more accurate portrait. I wasn't looking for a great likeness (irrelevant for my purposes) but getting the mouth aligned better, getting the scale of the eyes and glasses in relation to the rest of the features, etc. are subtle corrections that make a difference in the final piece.
Final solution
Naming the painting can be the most fun of all. Here are some of my other ideas: Running Circles around myself. Running around in Circles, The Circle of Life. Life has come full circle, Life in a Bubble. Want to join in the name game? Feel free to share in the comments section.